Jonathan Earl
I wish I had a silver harp,
upon which I could play
and every time I struck a chord,
joy would come your way.
I wish I had a golden flute,
upon which when I blew
Heavens gates would bear its peace
and bring it unto you.
I wish I had a two tone horn
of star dust and spun light
And every time my lips knew it,
it brought forth love and light.
I wish I had a shiny lute
with strings of purest gold
And every time I plucked a note
warmth would fill the cold.
I wish I had a little drum,
with the rhythm of the sea
And every time I beat on it,
Your heart know ecstasy.
I wish I had but, these five things
His band of angels play.
And I could play them constantly
for you throughout the day!
August 10, 1970
By Lady LaMythica (Linda A. Copp) © 1970-2014
All rights reserved World Wide including
but not limited to 1970-2014
Your Listening To "Boundless Love"
Elton Smith and
Larry Holder
To hear more of their beautiful music go to either of these Christian Websites!