
Flying Red Dragon

Dragons are a Strange Lot
No two are quite the same.
Some like to scale tall mountains.
Some don't even have a name.
Some have horns and teeth and wings.

Some like just to sit.

Small Green Dragon in Flight
Some love to go out flying.
Some love to rage and spit.

Fire Breathing Dragon
So, If you've seen a dragon.
Consider yourself blessed.
Because of all the creatures in the world,

Dragon PointingHuffy Puffy Dragon

He's picked you out as best.
And if he follows you around.
Decides to take you home.

I'd like to come in for a bowl or two of stew.
Know ye' well that he will be
a friend, you truly own.

December 24, 1981

Lady LaMythica (Linda A. Copp)

 LaMythica © 1981-2014
all rights reserved worldwide including but not limited to 1981-2014.

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