Dwarftus Circumspectus

This art is the work of Angus  Mcbride©

Drums beat, beat, beat
rhythms repeating,
in a sweltering heat.

They repel yet, swell, 
 echoeing in
This Living Hell.

Drums beat, beat, beat
down, down, drumming into the ground
Louder the muttering, the  guttural sounds. 

Pounding, Resounding,
bass drums, ear drums
all drums reverberate.
Fear, Hate, Evil Celebrates.

 Boom, boom, booming,
writhing, pummeling this message
Evils SOS, frights consuming.
Fire dancing below with in a circle of  
darkening doom.
Down, down, boom, boom,
courage eroding, replaced by foreboding.
Unseen its musician plays on.
Upon the skins of the spat upon.

Splitting, splintering, spiting noises
filling the acrid air with soot and ash
something akin to aftermath.
Yet, it is only the beginning. 
Smoldering, unfolding,
Expectancy Waits!

He salivates in his black mucus home
the Umbra in his Udd.
Waiting to lay claim to the 
Broom whisks of broom sticks
scratched across the lunar face
slashed across the moon.
The Demons Race
rung out and strung out
 the call of Evil to Ride.
The Devils Pride Petrified.

Listen! Hear!
Getting louder!

A Shadow looms
cast out, spit up from the gloom.
Raised now rising
shadow becomes shape
lines etched within the darkness,
mass to follow form
streaking through
shreiking as he do, 
reaching out for you. 

He is the one sent from, of the Beast
his champion 
he comes, he comes.

pounding, resounding, 
like claws FLEXED,

Sweat dripping down the spine and chest.

TERROR has its own erotica.

Drums bang, bang, bang, 
heralding this,  his birth
screams his name.

Dwarftus Circumspectus!
Bursting forth through veils of red
fire, smoke, blood and dead.
Wretched up and torn from its fiery womb, 
embers, ash, thrashing, slashing, lightening fast.

Born and torn up and of  The Udd
he comes, he comes.

Coursing through his fetid flesh
tethered streams of stench and wantonness.
Veins are pulsating, evil flies
horror flashing in the glare of cold black eyes!
Bulging with each heart beat
Of his victims lungs.
Screaming he comes. he comes.
fear is spreading.
Running rampant 
 and the chant begins. 

Skin taut gainst massive bones, a griffons head,
fire breathing crimson red.
Dragon wings, leather edged in steel
slicing quick and sharp through the air
warning us he sees
Rising, panting
 his very breath offends the human breast.

 Beating fast and furious against the Sky
It shivers, sighs.
Hatred and loathing are the sinews
seen running the length
of his body, head to toe
tail to snout.
Scream Out!
He is Dwarftus Circumspectus
Chief Griffon of Udd
Griffon, Dragon, Ghoul and Snake.
Madre's Mounted Stallion
in the Umbra's rank.

Prepare for battle!
Prepare to die.

He comes and she with him flies
filling the sky with blood curdling cries
Thunder crashes,
Lightening flashes
REDS, Black and Blues.
He Appears!
Smell the Sweat.
Feel the Fear.
Decay, Despair
He's here. Prepare to Ride! 

Prepare to Die.

March 28, 2000

Dragon Flight is the incomparable composition you are listening to and was written by Mike Leja please visit his website by clicking on his name.

 Lady LaMythica, Linda C. Copp© 1981-2015
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