Jonathon Earl Bowser's Autumn Winter 

Dedicated to "My Beautiful David" for he and his Lady!

Ice Blue Empress

Ice Blue Empress, Imperial Princess
 flowing with the mists in antiquity,
searching through the passages of eternity.
Chambers Of
cool refreshing calm,
in the evening hush.
Silence ushering in the close of day,
splashes Iris violent rays.
Swirling, lush, rushing down the seams
of her crystal palace etching dreams,
sketching in colors, pastels and muted hues
surrounding you
peaceful landscapes of sleeping devotions.

Her Spirituality, reaching out with tenderness
in joyful, loving gentleness,
with tentative fingers for your hand.
Kindness is her art,
and compassion knows no boundaries,
velvet fills her heart .
Love and understanding breathing in and out of
 every fiber 
of her being.
Imperial Princess, giving energy,
sensing, knowing, seeing.
Embracing the soul,
she has complete control
becoming One.

Kisses in the air, 
touch your mind and brow and hair.

She spins these emotions lavishly and lovingly,
prayers uttered in the echo
of twilight.
Arms reach out for me,
wrapping me in warmth and wonder,
the circumference of her love.
I am lost in the magic of her gaze
No words can convey the feelings stirred within,

Touch me and I am nurtured, 
touch me and I am healed.
Speak to me and your voice
is reverie revealed,
 surrounding me. 
Carrying me, with the flutter of Angel's wings 
 across the skies.
New beginnings, awakening dawns,
stars twinkling bright, 
with new wishes wished upon.
Serenity is she, 
and I am complete in She.
She is sustenance for me.
All that I am or ever will Be.
We rise and go hovering above the earth 
in time and space
through the veils of love's mystery,
Magic, is this, Her essence, Her Kiss.
My Ice Blue Empress,
Imperial Princess,
freeing me and filling me Ecstasy.
Mistress of my Heart, My Fantasy.
She is weaving dreams, along the hemline of the sky
and I am neither lost nor cold,
chilly, nor shattered pieces anymore.
 I am once again whole
and winging free with she
in this life she has given and breathed back into me.
We are One. We are Eternity.
This Love is all I ever needed to give
and all I ever needed to have given to me!

October 30, 1999

Lady LaMythica

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LadyLaMythica, Linda A. Copp 2000-2014© 
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The composition you are listening to is David W. Folsom's "Icicles" please visit his website to hear more of his incredible music!


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