Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales are treasured dreams,
flights of fantasy.
Imagined and born long ago,
a childhood luxury.

Chargers, shields and armor,
castles, kings of old.
Fairies, snow queens, dragons, haunts
and heroes brave and bold.
Elves and woodland animals,
chivalry, jesters speak,
of mysteries, adventures,
stairs that often creak.

Justice reigns triumphant,
goodness winning out.
Defying evil and all wrong
Courageous right wins out.

And Oh! How lovely to believe
the dream will someday come,
As it did in childhood days
now, and yet, to come.
September 29, 1970
(Linda A. Copp)

Copyrighted work of Lady
Linda A. Copp©
All rights reserved World Wide including but not limited
to 1970-2014