It's Late

Late Bunny

It's late, later than you think.
I'm only twenty-two,
and there's so very much to do.
So, much yet to be done,
when I was twenty-one.

And still more when in my teens,
I believed in one truth,
 and nothing in between.
Yet, then when I was just a child,
the world was bright and wild.
You bought happiness for dimes,
smiled at puzzles, riddles, rhymes.
But, now, they all vex and bother you,
because the truths are, too many 
and so, very  hard to undo.
Yet, I'm already twenty-two
and there's so, very much to do!


By LaMythica
Linda A. Copp

 Lady LaMythica, Linda C. Copp© 1981-2014
all rights reserved worldwide including but not limited to 1981-2014



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