The Wishing Day

It is a wishing day
as we run to our enchanted woods,
through the faeries gate
into this daydream we are of and yet, create.

Let us savor, this, day
drink it in
Enchantment's living here.
Kissed by the "wee merry folk"
and poured into a golden cup
of sun drenched morning dew,
roses blush and Iris hue.
Drink of its very essence,
wonderment and cheer.
All Waiting to be found 'round
the winding bends and paths
of these spirited woodlands.
Born of sunbeams spilling down,
upon treetops,
unto this hallowed, thirsting ground.
Swelling up and swept again into the breeze,
carried to the four winds,
a symphony of light and sound.
Sun fall, droplets instead of rain.
Daydreams brushed along the clouds
the tree tops, the leaves,
like pastel, stain glass window panes.
Sprinkling down, twinkling on the waves
and tinkling do, re, mi's.
Splashes heard in babbling brooks
the contented sighs of You and I.
Birds are all playing in,
within them too, chirping I love You!
Sunbeams hugging them and us and especially,
most especially you,
my faerie bestest friend!
It is that kind of day,
And of course nothing but,
Crunchable hugs are sent your way!
On this hazy, lazy wishing day,
we play.
Splashing each other by a lake
and then we sit watching
the wild life surrounding us,
sharing in our magic and our day.
In the early afternoon, Lilu and Rose,
we two, in repose, in reverie, we laze.
Reading our own books, lost in them
and yet, not to one another.
Looking up you see,
I need to talk, to thee.
Will it always be that way?
So, many words have I, all seeking,
yet, uncertain, till I can see they
accepted or corrected in your eyes.
Ah! But just to look into those eyes
so, cherished and adored, so full and yet,
so, very wise.
Am I forever your apprentice, my Wizard?
Or do I have my place one day with you.
Will I be wizard too?
Ney! It seems not so, at least today.
Yet, for Now,
Let us walk in this sweet time.
Time is nothing more than this,
the stage.
Where we
actors, authors, live.
Playing our roles, reading our own,
self-scripted pages.
Such are the Ages, all one, yet all undone
by the souls that we be and lend, become.
But, for today, Let us walk, we two druids,
into the murk and dark of these uncharted woods.
Treading o'er its undergrowth,
the tangles and vines,
to find those sacred places,
hidden among the shadows
and the leaves.
Boundless fantasies,
but, barely seen,
mere whispers within the shade of many trees.
Yet, we looking closer, see.
And they are found.
Sent down, from Where?
From where the faeries take their sustenance,
flutter wings, painting daydreams in the sky
fingering their mandolins on high.

Telling stories with their eyes
of wonder, love, fright or sweet surprise.
The Elves are listening too,
sitting on our knees.
Giggling, frolicking,
tumbling to the ground,
this is their kind of listening.

Faerie stories!
The elves, wood sprites and their like
are chanting tell us more
for we believe.
As do we.

Ah, Let us fly with the faerie in the sky.
On the wings of the ethereal let us take flight.
Freefalling, gliding and while we do
listen to me.
Oh! Sister Rose, You are Wizard, Mystic, wise.
You are mirth and sweet surprise.
You are kindness and compassion too,
all generosity.
Giving is the greatest part of you!
You are of all the worlds and all the words,
I ever thought or wrote.
You are all these places I have dreamed about
and all the words I never spoke.
I've seen them all in you
and shared them with you, too!
Oh! I have sought you all these many, empty, years,
through anguished nights and sorry tears.
Through my questions and dark uncertainty.
Wondering o'er the great mysteries,
I have longed and yearned for thee!
You are my guide, my teacher, friend.
Sent to inspire and explain.
But more than this you are the gift,
given unto
for believing.
Inside my soul, my mind, my heart,
forever more,
you will reside, abide.
I Love You for all of this and more
the scenes we've yet in store.
The fantasies and joys to come,
The Christmas's and Easter's yet to be.
The promises we have made and met.
The Magic we share and have drunk of
and with whom we have kept this covenant .
Today is done and we must fly
and kiss the stars goodbye.
Twilight is seeping in
and we need to go back through the
faerie gates, past the mists of time
to live with those we love and
with whom we share our
poetry, prose and rhyme.
We are satiated and renewed
made more splendid
because of this our most enchanted place.
So, I say Goodnight to the rising
And to you too!
Goodnight my dear, sweet Mystic Rose!
Katie and Linda must go home.
But remember Katie,
your Lilu will be missing you
till the next time.
We can come here and play, or touch souls
on some other wishing day.
Till then know this...that I am forever
overwhelmed with all
that you have shared and given me.
I can never render, the painting,
the colors that I see,
nor explain the wondrous feeling
that washes over me
when my thoughts turn to you,
reach out for you.
It is Woven of so, many things
a love, undefined and of the spirit.
Embraced, unfathomable,
depths and heights,
joys and tears, a cauldron of emotion stirred.
Yes, You move me to shed tears.
Tears of joy spilt for all of this that is
and is yet to be.
Yes, and still "The best is yet to be!"
All my Love, your Lilu!
March 20, 2000
Lady LaMythica
By Lady LaMythica, Linda A. Copp ©
All rights reserved World Wide
including but not limited to 1972-2015