Xeranthium Gardens
Earl Bowser's Forest Light
Dedicated to Katie "My Mystic Rose"
She is the everlasting flower
born of wonder and of grace,
all hearts cherished and embraced.
Strength and magic wedded,
embedded, within her trembling soul,
breaking through,
sheer poetry touches thee,
expressing itself and so,
eloquence flows
through her fingertips, outstretched.
Her moist and ruby lips parting, speaking
loving thoughts, her words, her prayers, her text.
Barely falling fairy dancing, footsteps sprightly,
lightly placed upon the ground.
They know the rhythms of her beating heart,
The ecstasy she's found.
The Mystic Rose,
is sketched, is etched
into her very essence,
both her soul and mind.
Entwined, in living vines,
loving arms,
are wrapped about the whole.
Perfect balance,
a ballet performed within, the confines of her soul.
Lifting high, touching sky,
soaring somewhere there beyond,
her body earthly bound,
She free falls.
Free spirited she calls!
A voice, her song, her music,
played joyfully and sung,
rung out in every breath.
A Symphony,
No Less!
Flutes and Lutes and harps and drums,
She softly hums, her lovely tunes
strumming, drumming,
under sun drenched skies and wishing stars
Or sleepy, nodding moons.
Rising in the breeze,
among the wind and trees,
whispering I will never leave.
For I am, Forever, the ever lasting flower,
Power with a velvet glove.
Thy Mystic Rose is Magic, wielding Love.
For Magic is all this,
the meaning of Love,
caressed, given up,
brought forth and kissed.
Held gently in sweet, tenderness.
Fragrance in the Mists.
Yes, Xeranthium is this,
The Mystic Rose!
She Knows for this is how her Garden Grows.
Walking o'er these fields and meadows,
along the hemline called the sky,
brushing past the water's edge.
She can heal a wounded sparrow
with the nodding of her head,
or a tear drop from her eye.
Or raise it's faltering, broken wings
to new heights
of flight,
Fluttering wings rising up, high across the sky,
ever wide, outspread.
Rainbows are woven round her crown, her head.
A gaze that is filled with visions
that she has seen and known,
Like the Eagle or the Phoenix
she has been and she has flown.
Touched the heavens with her dreams
and found them through her pain.
Seeking honesty and peace
She is redeemed, regained.
Always on the precipice of challenge
and renewal,
Enlightenment her lantern and her Quest,
her sustenance, waters fresh and cool.
She can fight her fright,
her misgivings
and go on to face,
the fear and terror of the darkness
found beyond these, her gardens of
sanctifying, compassion, grace.
Wondrous Beauty, Growing Wild, and Free
flowers blessed in gentleness, embraced.
And found here within the petals of the rarest rose
which holds her yearning soul.
She is neither victim,
nor ruler,
in this enchanted realm,
her Garden Home.
She is just Protectress of all that she has seen,
embraced and known.
Like traces of the morning mist, crystal blue waters,
dewdrops and sunshine kissed.
Spread out along her pathway,
morning glories, petals reaching up to touch
the hemline of her gown,
brushing along this hallowed ground.
Found now, here, upon this flowered, mountain range
towering above the dismal depths below.
Looking down on the Blackbird and the Crow.
Earl Bowser's Forest Light
LaMythica's half sister,
Once lost but now is found.
In the days to come,
the two to know,
they were meant to be,
to meet again, most certainly.
Joined In Time,
Antiquity and grace,
In this Enchanted place.
Sweet reverie, sweet reverie for She and Me!
Everlasting is the flower and the Love she gives to Thee.
On the day that Madre's driven from her throne,
And Zodd has raised LaMythica,
Up, Up and to,
her rightful crown,
Wizardress of Aueriole!
The Wizardress and The
Mystic Rose
in sisterhood and love
forever we are bound!
November 18, 1999
Lady LaMythica©
By Lady LaMythica, Linda A. Copp ©
All rights reserved World Wide
including but not limited to 1970-2015
The midi, "Awaiting",
you hear here, was composed and performed by Jackson
1999, 2015©ladylamythica.com
Please visit Jonathon Earl Bowser's
Website and view more of his
Incredible Art, Essays and Poetry