Dwarf |
However, the seven dwarfs that Mr. Walt Disney knew were
more cute than uncomely in my estimation. So, once again I would say, it
boils down to the fact that "beauty is always in the eye of the
beholder," is it NOT?
Dwarfs are an earthy lot. No-nonsense types, extremely
grounded, (no pun intended), meticulous in their work, their ethics and
their finances. They are very hard working, workaholics abound in this
culture and are very connected with the earth from whence they draw
their powers, its elements and their treasures. They are excellent
blacksmiths, craftsmen and miners.
Dwarfs are loyal, steadfast and can be
trusted to keep your counsel and their own, though they have some as
every race does, who may be corrupted by greed and power. Like the evil
dwarfs who live beneath The World Tree, Yggdrasil. These dwarfs are
cunning and mean driven by their greed and lust for power and can never
be trusted. So, exercise good judgment in dwarf befriending please!
The music you hear is"Thom" a
"Wheels of Fire" theme which can be found at Stig Vegar's website!
Click below to turn music Off and On
The background here is from the "Unicorn Notebook" an illustration belonging to Michael Green. |
Linda A. Copp