

The dwarf Dwarf with Big Feetresembles a human being and stands about four feet tall, at his maximum height. He is strong of limb and mind, has great forbearance, is of stocky build, and usually has a long beard. He wears simple garb, dressing with common sense and purpose in mind. Some authorities on the dwarf and his condition have found him to be, uncomely of face or form. They claim the race is often riddled with an affliction of one sort or another. Twisted bodies, humps or gnarled and knotted faces or limbs is common place among them.
 Dwarf Art

However, the seven dwarfs that Mr. Walt Disney knew were more cute than uncomely in my estimation. So, once again I would say, it boils down to the fact that "beauty is always in the eye of the beholder," is it NOT?

Dward with Hammer

 Dwarfs are an earthy lot. No-nonsense types, extremely grounded, (no pun intended), meticulous in their work, their ethics and their finances. They are very hard working, workaholics abound in this culture and are very connected with the earth from whence they draw their powers, its elements and their treasures. They are excellent blacksmiths, craftsmen and miners. 

Dwarf MinerThey can easily locate ore of all kinds, divine water and minerals, and will guard these as jealously as the treasures they extract from these elements, brass, copper, iron, diamonds and gold. 

Dwarfs are loyal, steadfast and can be trusted to keep your counsel and their own, though they have some as every race does, who may be corrupted by greed and power. Like the evil dwarfs who live beneath The World Tree, Yggdrasil. These dwarfs are cunning and mean driven by their greed and lust for power and can never be trusted. So, exercise good judgment in dwarf befriending please!

Dwarfs prefer to live and work underground. They will work in caves above ground but have no problem burrowing beneath the earth to make rooms and lodgings or to collect its rich bounty of mineral treasures. Often building homes in the roots of ancient trees where they are able to stay close to their histories which they so enjoy reciting and lamenting about! 

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The music you hear is"Thom" a "Wheels of Fire" theme which can be found at Stig Vegar's website!

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Or Click on Stig's name to go to his website!

The background here is from the "Unicorn Notebook" an illustration belonging to Michael Green.


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